


Gmail Unsubscribe

A digital butler for your inbox

Is your Gmail bloated and messy?
Baxter helps you get your inbox under control.

Say farewell to email overwhelm

Organize your digital life, for good.

Say farewell

Unsubscribe from junk

Instantly Unsubscribe from multiple mailing list, right from your inbox, with one click.

Reclaim inbox storage

Remove thousands emails from unwanted senders and keep your inbox lean.

Organize automatically

Easily create rules to label and clean up emails. Baxter does the heavy lifting!

Get control of Gmail

Baxter’s advanced Dashboard, Baxter gives you everything you need to make email stress-free.

Discover Baxter’s features

A professional digital organizer has everything you need.

If you keep receiving emails you don’t like in your inbox, simply check the boxes on the left side of the screen and click the Unsubscribe button below the search bar.

You you will be unsubscribed from the selected mailing lists instantly.

Stop junk mail at its source

If you want to remove all e-mails from one or more senders, simply check the boxes on the left side of the screen and click the Remove button below the search bar.

All current and past mails from the selected senders will be sent to the Trash folder.

Reclaim inbox storage

Create rules to automatically label and archive emails. Let Baxter do the heavy lifting!

These labels aren’t just tags - they act as folders. Go to My Folders on the left side of your Gmail screen and click a label to see all related senders.

Organize automatically

Would you like to automatically clean emails that you don’t need anymore, or customize your labels?

Simply click the Dashboard Button at the top right of your Gmail screen to see all of Baxter’s advanced features.

Get control of Gmail

Trusted by thousands, Baxter just works.


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About Us

Our Mission

At Baxter Inc., we strive to build simple, intuitive tools that help everyday folks live and work with less stress and more efficiency. Right now, Baxter organizes Gmail inboxes, but we’re excited by the many potential directions we see for Baxter to go and evolve.

Because we seek alignment between our business model and the value we provide to customers, we are building Baxter as a subscription service, and we will never sell any customer data to third parties. Baxter has also been officially verified by Google's security partners, and follows Google's data-handling best practices. Lastly, we would be grateful for any feedback or ideas to make Baxter more useful to you. Interested in working on this problem with us? Let us know!

Baxter robot

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Organize your digital life

Copyright © 2023 Baxter Inc.